cosmic string

英 [ˈkɒzmɪk strɪŋ] 美 [ˈkɑːzmɪk strɪŋ]

网络  宇宙弦; 宇宙绳


  1. In this paper are calculated the large scale mass fluctuations and peculiar velocity fields in cosmic string scenarios in different dark matter dominated universes.
  2. A general relativistic shock wave around superconducting cosmic string
  3. By quantizing the two kinds of space-time which has the torus-like topology or has a monopole or cosmic string, we obtained the solutions of their Wheeler-De Witt equation.
  4. Considering the background of massless neutrino, probes into the effect of the background field on the gravitational field of a global cosmic string outside the core.
  5. The magnetic effect for superconducting current in cosmic string
  6. The Gravitational Field of a Global Cosmic String Considering Temperature Effect
  7. Within the statistical uncertainties of the correlation amplitudes, the α-N relation can be explained well in the cosmic string model.
  8. The Gravitational Effects of Superconducting Cosmic String
  9. Adding this tension to that of a global cosmic string outside the core, solves the linear approximate solution of Einstein equation with a global cosmic string as source and with neutrino field as background.
  10. Based on the thermodynamic model of ideal gas of cosmic strings, the string tension is calculated by the saddle point approximation and the expression of string tension is obtained.
  11. Beside, we also discuss the metric of superconducting cosmic string and the defecting angle of light in weak field approximation.
  12. For DBI global cosmic sting, we calculated their mass of unit length by linear approximation, finding that in the region far away from the core of the string, its mass of unit length is similar with that of a canonical global string with larger core radius.



  1. (cosmology) a hypothetical one-dimensional subatomic particle having a concentration of energy and the dynamic properties of a flexible loop

      Synonym:    string